International Judges Association Admits Guatemala

Marrakesh, Oct. 16th. At the 61st General Assembly of the International Association of Judges (IAJ), the Guatemalan Association of Judges for Integrity (Asociación Guatemalteca de Juezes por la Integridad, AGJI) was admitted as a new member.

Roland Kempfle, delegate of the German Association of Judges (DRB), had reported on the application together with the president of the costa-rican Association of Judges, Adriana Orocú, and recommended the admission of the AGJI. The DRB monitors the difficult work of the Guatemalan colleagues with particular attention. Likewise the DRB supports emphatically the work of Iván Velásquez, who has received the human rights price of the DRB, as head of the UN Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), which despite difficult conditions shows noticeable success in the fight against corruption in Guatemala.

„The DRB congratulates the AGJI to their admission to the IAJ and wishes them all the best for their important work for the rule of law,“ DRB's chairman Jens Gnisa said during the General Assembly in Marrakesh.


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